How to prevent cancer with lime and lemon juice
Lemons and limes contain unique flavonoid compounds that have antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. The flavonoids content called flavonol glycosides works wonders in the human systems.
Lime also contains many kaempferol-related molecule; these flavonoids have been shown to stop cell division in many cancer cell lines. The antibiotic effects in lime are also remarkable. Limonin’s bioavailability and persistence may help explain why citrus limonoids are potent anti-carcinogens that may prevent cancerous cells from proliferating. Other natural anti-carcinogens are available for much less time; for example, the phenols in green tea and chocolate remain active in the body for just 4 to 6 hours.
Lime juice is high in vitamin C, containing 9.2mg per oz, which gives you about 15 percent of the daily recommended intake. Other nutrients in lime juice include magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, E and K, phosphorus, folate, potassium, pantothenic acid, niacin, choline and betaine.
The seeds of all citrus fruits are poisonous and if ingested in large quantity, even a small handful can be fatal. So, avoid chewing or swallowing the seeds when you use limes or lemons.
Health Benefits
1. As small as they are they contain many nutritional benefits. Lime juice contains flavonol glycosides, a group of flavonoid phytochemicals with anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties. Another phytochemical component of limes is the limonoids, specifically limonin glucoside. Limonin glucoside can help protect the body against cancer and, unlike many other phytochemicals, stays in the body for up to 24 hours after ingestion
2. Since free radicals can damage blood vessels and can change cholesterol to make it more likely to build up in artery walls, vitamin C can be helpful for preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.
3. Lime juice has antimicrobial activity and can destroy a wide range of organisms.
4. The vitamin C in lime juice boosts immune function and acts as one of the most powerful dietary antioxidants, destroying free radicals before they can wreak havoc within the body.
5. The citric acid in lime juice can help prevent the development of kidney stones.
6 .Vitamin C has been shown to be helpful for reducing some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
7. Due to the enormous benefits of vitamin C present in lime and some vegetables and fruits assist to reduce risk of death from all causes of diseases including heart disease, stroke and cancer.
8. Vitamin C is also vital to the function of a strong immune system to prevent colds, flus, and recurrent ear infections.
9. The presence of limonoids compounds in citrus fruits, including lemons and limes help to fight cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon.
10. Lime and lemons contain powerful antioxidants, antibiotics and disinfectants which are the vitamin C and flavonoids .Lemon can serve as skin regime when applied internally or externally on the skin that can cures rashes, dandruff, bruises, scrubs out dead cells, reduces body odour, protect the skin from infections and rejuvenates and keep the skin shinning.
11. Lime as an antioxidant, detoxifier helps with the condition known as gout. Which is caused by accumulation of free radicals and toxins like uric acid.
12. Flavonoids inhibit microbial growth and the high potassium content in lemons help to heal ulcers, wounds, removes toxic substances in the kidneys, urinary bladder and its disinfectant properties help to cure infections in the urinary system. It also stops the growth of the prostate and clears blockage of urine due to calcium deposition in the urinary tract.
13. Lime juice is good in weight reduction by preparing a glass of warm water with a full-lime juice in it. Just have two glasses a day within a week you will notice its effects. Considering others factors in weight reduction process.
14. The anti carcinogenic, antibiotic, anti oxidant and detoxifying properties aids the healing of oral and peptic ulcers.
16. The oil containing flavonoids and certain oils extracted from lime are used in anti congestive medicine such as vaporizes, inhalers and balms due to presence of kaempferol. The scratching procedure on the peel of a lime and inhaling it gives immediate relief in congestion and nausea.
17. Vitamin C makes osteoarthritis, a type of degenerative arthritis that occurs with aging indicates that vitamin C-rich foods, such as lemons and limes, provide humans with protection against inflammatory polyarthritis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis involving two or more joints.
18. Lime is good for the treatment of scurvy, the disease which is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C and characterised by frequent infections with cough and cold; cracked lips and lips corners, ulcer in mouth and tongue; spongy, swollen gum, bleeding gums, pile and digestive system.
19. Lime and lemons are good appetizer, aid digestive system, fatigue and helps to cure cholera and diabetes.
– Choose limes that are firm and heavy for their size, free of decay and mold. Always juice limes and lemons at room temperature or place them in a bowl of warm water for several minutes. Rolling them under the palm of your hand on a flat surface will also help to extract more juice.
– Before cutting the lemon or lime in half horizontally through the center, wash the skin so that any dirt or bacteria residing on the surface will not be transferred to the fruit’s interior. While you could remove any visible seeds before juicing the halves, you could also wait until after the process is complete, since there are bound to be some seeds that reside deeper and are not visible from the surface.
– The juice can then be extracted in a variety of ways. You can either use a juicer, reamer or do it the old fashioned way, squeezing by hand. Pour it a cup and add either warm or cold water to slow down the intensity of the sour taste toss down through the mouth to give you that natural refreshing taste as you enjoy the numerous benefits of lime or lemon.
Lemon juice and zest can also be stored for later use. Place freshly squeezed lemon juice in ice cube trays until frozen, subsequently storing them in plastic bags in the freezer. Dried lemon zest should be stored in a cool and dry place in an airtight glass container.
By Contributor – Oluremilekun Osobu-Asubiojo
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